Using SM Strings with BRSO Articulate in FL Studio

Hey there,

I am using BRSO Articulate ( to switch to other articulations. Unfortunately everytime I stop the playback, set the play position before an articulation and play it back it plays the legato articulation every second time. So basically it switches to the articulation and back after every stop.

I checked without the BRSO Articulate plugin by switching to an articulation with 100% velocity (so latch mode) on an articulation and stopped and played some time and the articulation stayed. So this tells me that it is nothing related to the library, but probably the combination of BRSO + SM Strings, right?

I also wrote into Blakes thread for his plugin.

Does anybody else uses this combination and can confirm?

Maybe someone from SampleModeling has an idea what might happen in the background?


  • Maybe you can use some midi logging plugin at the stream location between the two plugins to see what Midi messages actually are sent to Kontakt.


  • Thanks for the idea. Do you know such a tool?

  • I use ReaControlMidi that comes with Reaper. To be used with other DAWs, It's available for free in the ReapPlugs ->


  • Thank you very much. I will check it out!

  • So I tested this ReaControlMidi and I could not open the "Show log" stuff. Now I tested VST-MIDI Monitor by cescato and could confirm what Blake in the Imageline forum also wrote me: BRSO Articulate just sends every CC controller on play. So if I set up the modwheel only, it would only send the default channel controllers: CC7 (Vol), CC10 (Pan) and the bending - and also the set up CC1 (Modwheel), if set up. Nothing else.

    So who is to blame now? :D ... or better: how can my issue be fixed?

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