CC for volume ?


When playing with strings library i use the expression CC of course (here it's called "Dynamics".)

But i also use a lot the basic volume CC. Because sometime the Dynamic changes to fast in "timbre" if you only use it. So i prefer to use side by side "dynamic" and "volume" so i have a feeling of more or less loudness but not so much change in timbre.

With the string ensemble i don't see how to do that. i only see "dynamics". so if i want to have something delicate flautando effect i use dynamics to it's minimum. the sound is ok but if i push it up it changes to much i would prefer to use volume and leave dynamics in a lower position.

i can use the volume automation of the track in nuendo but it's not as convinient as a MIDI CC when you are writing music.

Did i miss this Volume CC ?


  • ... edit

    ho sorry page 19 of manual says

    "Ensembles are using permanent internal assignment of CC7 to volume. Therefore the position of the volume slider remains fixed at 0 dB."

    mmm ok. i don't have a CC7 controler. i always remap it.. don't know how i can control the volume. would be nice to have a volume knob that we can assign in th HUI.

  • i tried to reassign a CC7 to control the volume.

    but it's really messy. i see the volume from that kontakt instrument following my CC but also going back to value 0Db.. like there's another CC7 somewhere seding value 0db/ i made sure there's nothign else going with my controlers. anyway i can't make it work.

  • I don't use any of the Ensemble versions. With the solo version CC7 works just fine.

    If you need to control the volume (e-.g. by CC7), you can use a dedicated (e.g. VST) plugin for this. For use with Reaper I did a "JSFX" plugin for exactly that purpose.


  • Sgodzillaa and Michael,

    In the ensembles, exactly as in the solo instruments, the overall volume can be controlled by an external CC7. Not by the kontakt sliders, which would otherwise alter the proper balance and are therefore fixed at 0 dB.



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